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Respite Care In Spring, TX

Grace Family Care Respite Care

Quality care you can count on for your aging loved ones at Spring’s premier assisted living facility!

As our loved ones age, becoming their primary caregivers is a natural part of life. While this work represents a labor of love, it can also be quite demanding and tiring. Even more, remaining your older family member’s primary caregiver can make it harder for you to spend time with other family members, work on your career, or take vacations.

It becomes an essential task to find quality respite care in Spring, TX, to give you a break when you need it most. While some families worry about leaving their loved ones in the care of others, giving older members of your family supervised independence also benefits them. Among other advantages, respite care makes an excellent option for any active family struggling with senior care.

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What Is Respite Care?

Respite care services offer the chance to temporarily leave older family members at care centers with trained staff. Though you will find many forms, every type of respite care provides a short-term reprieve from the daily responsibilities of caring for older family, friends, or loved ones.

Many beneficial services within respite care can provide essential variety in a senior’s life. Beyond helping them to bathe, dress, and receive food services, targeted care like rehabilitation, community enrichment, medication management, support groups, and pain management give your loved one unparalleled care. Thus, you can also use respite care to supplement your regular caregiving duties.

Benefits Of Respite Care

Respite care offers various benefits for a senior’s mental, physical, and emotional health. Some of these benefits include:

  • Around-the-clock, professional care

  • Social stimulation and community building

  • Food services

  • Medicine therapy management

  • Readily available medical services

  • A rejuvenating change of scenery

However, caregivers also receive benefits from this care. Respite care offers you the chance to take a necessary break from caregiving and find solace in knowing professionals will take expert care of your loved ones.

Different Types Of Respite Care

Respite care comes in many forms, offering unique benefits and services to older loved ones. Knowing your options provides the best way to plan ideal supplements for caregiving.

Emergency Respite Care

We all know that emergencies come up in life. Whether the death of a family member, an accident with children, or a challenge in your business, there will be situations that demand your full attention. However, when this occurs, it’s crucial to have quality emergency respite care in Spring, TX, to account for your loved ones.

Vacation Care

When your family decides to take a vacation, or you need a few carefree days off from work and responsibilities, respite care offers the perfect solution for senior members of your family. Scheduled in advance, you can plan and prepare yourself and your family members for an alternative care situation for the selected duration. Allow your vacations to indeed be an escape from your responsibility by utilizing trustworthy vacation respite care.

Emergency Respite Care

While many forms of respite care offer short-term overnight stays, you can also take advantage of a briefer option. Adult day center care allows your loved ones to spend the day supervised by caring professionals in assisted senior living. This supervision will enable you to focus on your needs and goals for the day without the pressure of caregiving.


Home respite care is an excellent option for many seniors struggling with major diseases who would rather fight them from the comfort of their homes. It might also be ideal for seniors with infrastructure built in their homes, like bed lifts and bathroom assistance. Regardless, homecare allows you to focus on your day with the peace of mind that professionals will care for your loved one.

Grace Family Care Trial Run

While many of these forms of respite care offer temporary care services, it’s also possible to utilize them as a trial run for full-time assisted living. Some seniors worry that moving to an assisted living home will eliminate their independence or autonomy. However, many fail to recognize the benefits of these communities for their mental, physical, and emotional health.

If you plan on utilizing respite services, consider how frequently this care might appeal to you. Your work and family context will dictate your level of need for respite services. However, you might discover that assisted living emerges as a better option for your family than you or another relative functioning as a primary caregiver.

With so many benefits of respite care, use a short-term stay as a trial run for your loved one to experience an assisted living community.

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Testimonials from Happy Guests

" The words ‘THANK YOU’ seem so insufficient to express our deep gratitude for all you have done to our mother over the past couple of years. "

- Ann Fortes

" We sincerely appreciate the loving care you provided to our mother in her last years, weeks, and days. And, for helping us get through this difficult time.”

- Kathy Collier

" I’d like to thank you and the Grace Memory Care staff for the wonderful care you extended to my mom. You treated her like a true family member. You have a home-like setting, and all the clients are so well cared for as part of the family. Your home is spotlessly clean, the food was prepared with individual needs, and the clients are so happy. My mom was very happy and comfortable. Your staff is extremely attentive to each client, physically, emotionally and mentally, and that is so important. There was never a time I ever worried about her. And when I was there, you treated me as part of the family. I honestly can’t thank you enough for making the last phase of her life exceptionally dignified and special! ”

  • - Lynette Acosta

" For our family, Grace Memory Care was God-ordained. My parents lived out their final years with excellent care in an environment of comfort, respect and love. Additionally, the staff regularly extended themselves beyond expectations by including the family into the same environment; sharing stories of their own connections with my parents, confirming to me they were getting total care, physically, socially and emotionally. The total experience has been one of inclusion, becoming one big family instead of allowing the aging process to have isolated them apart from us. It is obvious that Grace is not just a business, it is their calling.

Their actions are far bigger than my words.

  • - Ann Fontes

Grace is aptly named grace, as Annie and her staff showed unmerited favor for Bill.
He was welcomed into the family but treated better than one treats family–rather, as an honored guest.
The staff anticipated his wishes and aimed to please him.

Two facts bear highlighting:

1) Bill fell at home on a routine basis prior to placement.
During the two years at Grace, he had no falls.
That is a testament to their attentiveness.

"2) Bill liked his embellishments–especially his large pieces of jewelry, which the staff tried to convince him to relinquish to no avail. After yet another incident of a ring slipping off of his finger, we were called to retrieve it immediately so that our daughter/granddaughter would have tangible reminders of her “Gray Dad.” Their honesty was above reproach. Bill is now in heaven, still directing the staff of Grace. Since his passing, two friends have likewise entrusted their parents to Annie’s care and have good memories of their later years rather than regrets of what might have been. ”

  • - Sue (wife) and Sheri (adult daughter)

" Selecting care for an aging parent is one of the final decisions an offspring can make to honor the life and dignity of a dear loved one. What a monumental decision! And sometimes you find caregivers that aren’t working. That’s what happened to me as my Mom spiraled deeper into Alzheimer’s. But I eventually found Annie and Ovi Cotrau and their business, Grace Memory Care. It was heaven on earth for my Mom and me! Their tender approach and professionalism took the weight of my Mother’s disease off my shoulders.

I am Vickie Huckabay, and I lost my precious Mother to Alzheimer’s in March 2016. I was her only surviving child and being widowed, all decisions regarding her care were entirely up to me. Annie was such an ally for me as Mom’s condition worsened. It’s so hard to watch, and frightening too. Are we doing EVERYTHING that we can for her? Should we try this or that? All these swirling questions sent me in a panic to Annie many times. She always listened, never judging me, explaining the medical reasons behind Mother’s care.

Free and open communication is so important in this situation because I had no medical background. Mom was incontinent, often angry, unable to communicate verbally, unable to sit up without pillows all round her, couldn’t walk, couldn’t feed herself, couldn’t roll over in bed. She was so vulnerable! I needed to be able to question Annie and the other caregivers freely about Mom’s care, and I did again and again. No one took my persistence as an accusation, and I was always calmer once I had more information.

Memory loss is such a personal journey, and my experience with Mom will not likely mirror anyone else’s. At Grace Memory, the clients are recognized as unique individuals. The caregivers tailor their work to giving to each patient what he or she needs, which is different for each person.

The families were always welcomed there. I usually visited Mom during lunch and food was offered to me so many times. Conversation was always upbeat and positive as the caregivers served a meal. I could ask for a movie on their big screen if I needed distraction. I really felt at home! I could relax sitting next to Mom. Annie and her staff took care of me and much as they took care of my Mom.

The list of excellence goes on and on. Here’s a partial list:

There is no “old folks smell.” Never! The staff observe the clients so closely that accidents or diaper changes are tended to immediately. Mother was incontinent during her four-year stay there and never had a bed sore. I am extremely thankful that she was spared that misery and I owe it all to the excellent, hard-working staff at Grace.

Annie reports every bump, bruise, cut, cough, etc. immediately to the family via text and how she will treat it. I could call her straightaway if I had questions. This really helped me schedule my visits to Mom. I own a business and life gets really busy, but if Mom developed a cold I could always juggle my work so that I could check in on her.

I never saw a client at Grace that was unkempt. Everyone’s needs were met immediately.

The caregivers are great cooks! Annie and Ovi have a garden and many times there were fresh fruits and vegetables. Birthdays always mean a lovely cake!

There is genuine love and concern for the clients at Grace. When the inevitable death happened, I knew it was hard for the caregivers, although they were not in the habit of sharing their problems. Always smiling, always pleasant, always caring is their habit.

Mom was on hospice which meant caregivers outside of Grace came to bathe her and a hospice nurse evaluated her. Annie made it her business to observe any caregiver that she did not hire to make certain that caregiver operated up to the standards of Grace Memory Care. What a relief!

The renovated home that serves the clients of Grace Memory Care is always spic-and-span. It is a most pleasant and comfortable space for both the clients and the visiting families. The lovely backyard beckons in good weather to walk a bit and get your mind off your problems.

If you are reading this, you are likely very concerned about the health of a loved one and the inevitable decisions you must make. I can say to you that Annie Cotrau will be your angel on earth, and you should call her immediately. Even if she does not have an opening, I know that she will take time with you and give you suggestions on where you should turn.

– Vickie Huckabay

" We had the most wonderful experience at Woodside place assisted living! My grandmother was in their care for the last few months of her life. The owner and her staff are incredible! They took care of my grandmother like she was their own. They work extremely hard to make everyone as comfortable as possible and the home is always in spotless condition! Thank you to Toyin and the entire staff who served my grandmother well! Thankful for this place! "

- Evan Thompson

'' I would give 10 stars if I could ! This
is an absolutely wonderful place for your loved one to be cared for . Toyin and her team of precious ladies bend over backwards to provide a happy, healthy , safe and impeccably clean home . My mother in law has been loved and cared for here for months . I highly - highly recommend Woodside Place . "

- Gennie Noe

" My mother who was dealing with Alzheimer’s stayed here for almost a year. It was such a huge blessing to my mom, to me, and to my family and friends. They took exceptional care of my mother. My mother had previously been in a couple of large institutions. Woodside was a remarkably better experience. I would highly recommend Woodside to anyone. They showed exceptional care and love for my mom as well as a strong professionalism. It’s hard to care for our aging / dying parents, but I’m so grateful that Woodside was there for us. They changed the experience for us, and I’ll forever be thankful "

- toney upton

" My mother currently resides at Woodside Place and is very content! Every time I stop by, she is happy! She is quite social so to meet her needs, she is often in the kitchen with the ladies that care for her. It is always clean and tidy there as well. The ladies are kind and friendly. Toyin, the owner, is knowledgeable and complies with all health requirements which is refreshing to see. She also truly cares about the people living at Woodside Place! "

- Juliane Gresens

Community And Lifestyle At Grace Family Care

Beyond unparalleled, professional care, Grace Family Care provides seniors with community, stimulating activities, and plenty of love to live out their days happily. Not only do seniors at Grace Family Care receive these benefits, but they also enjoy luxury housing, beautiful natural common areas, and gorgeous community spaces.

At Grace Family Care, we treat your family like our own, providing the perfect juncture of supervision, independence, and community spirit.

Give Your Family’s Seniors The Care And Community They Deserve At Grace Family Care

For more information about respite care in Spring, TX, from the premier senior living community, call ((832)938-4232) and schedule a tour today. Grace Family Care can’t wait to welcome your family into ours!

25610 Oakhurst Dr, Spring, TX 77386, USA
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25610 Oakhurst Dr, Spring, TX 77386, United States

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Facility ID: 104078 | Ombudsman 254-778-2222